Friday, January 24, 2020

Essay --

Picture the ultimate dream car. Is it a brand new Mustang right off the show room floor? Maybe it is a SUV with heated leather seats. Or it might by something fast and imported, like a Ferrari, Lamborghini, or Porsche. For some people, dream cars don't come from the present or the future, but the past. But getting that dream car from the past isn’t always easy. A lot of the times it is rusting away in some old barn or out in a field with weeds growing through the floorboard. When someone finds that dream car in those conditions they can do a couple different things they can build it into a rat rod. A rat rod is where the outside of the car is left rusty and in the shape it was found in, and has a big powerful motor and a good strong transmission. Or the other choice is to restore the car to its former glory. When someone restore a car to its former glory there are four main categories or steps that they need to do; body work, paint, interior, and engine/transmission. The first step in body work is to take the car apart so that it is easier to get rid of all the dents, paint, and rust. Then take out all of the interior, and take off the mirrors, hood, fenders, and all of the extra parts that will make it easier to get off the paint. Paint stripping methods usually fall into two main categories: abrasive and chemical. In abrasive paint striping there is media blasting, and good old fashion sanding. The way media blasting works is the process of blasting an item with small particles of various abrasive substances at an extremely high velocity in order to remove paint and rust off a vehicle. There are many materials used to media blast cars like walnut shell, plastic beads, baking soda, and different types of sand. D... have less power. If the original transmission is being used then it as well should be gone through and cleaned. If someone doesn’t want to take the time to take the engine apart and clean every little part and then try to remember where every little piece went then just replacing both the engine and transmission might be the way to go. Buying a brand new engine and transmission has its advantages and its disadvantages. An advantage of buying them new is that they have all new parts and are less likely to break and can take less time than taking apart the engine. A disadvantage is that it can be more expensive than just using the old motor. By completing these steps an old rusted out car can be turned into the ultimate dream car. Whether it is turned in to a rat rod or in to the restored classic car, it is worth all that hard work to get that ultimate dream car.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Realiability and Validity Rosenburg Scale

Reliability and Validity of the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale Texas A&M University Psychology 203 Introduction The purpose of our study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Rosenber Self-Esteem scale scores. Reliability is simply whether the measurement tool you are using measures something consistently. For example does the same test show the same results when administered repeatedly. Validity is the aspect of a measuring tool that signifies its measuring what it says it does.A valid test measures what it says it’s measuring. However you can have a test that is reliable and not valid, for example if a teacher administers a spelling test that the student has to complete on the computer in a five minute time period. A student may get the same score over and over again, indicating it’s reliable, but it may not be valid because what if that student was slow at typing but knew how to spell every word. The test would not be valid because it’s not meas uring just spelling as intended but also typing speed.Both reliability and validity are crucial in and study because if the research instruments are not reliable and valid, then the results of your experiment will always be in question. Method All ninety-nine A&M students (N=99) that participated in the survey were in the same statistical writing course and were required to take the survey as part of the course curriculum. The survey consisted of 24 males and 75 females, with the average age of these participants being around 20 years old, ranging anywhere from 19 to 24 (M=20. 7, SD=. 997). the survey measured self-esteem by using ten items from the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale. The students were scored by taking the mean of all their responses to the ten questions. 10 different statements that the participant rated on a scale of 1 to 7, (1 being â€Å"disagree strongly † and 7 being â€Å"agree strongly†), the higher the score the higher the individuals self-esteem . The scale consisted of 5 revers coded items; an example of a normal item is â€Å"on the whole I am satisfied with myself†.A reverse coded item is an opposite statement for example is â€Å"I feel I do not have much to be proud of†. Results The 10 item subscale from the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale appeared to have good internal consistency, (? = . 90). All the survey question appeared to be worth keeping: in fact the deletion of any of the questions would have resulted in a lower alpha score. All 99 participants (N=99) responses to the 10 item survey were averaged together and the self-esteem score for all the participants had ranged from 2. 6-7 with a mean of 5. 4 (M=5. 4, SD=1. 08).The frequency distribution of the average self-esteem scores, illustrated on the histogram, portrays a distribution that is pretty normal but somewhat negatively. This negative distributions means that the participants more frequently had high self-esteem scores than low scores. In fact no participants had a self-esteem score lower than 2. 6. Discussion To ensure that the survey instrument used in this study was actually measuring self-esteem we took a measure of Cronbachs alpha ( or ? ), which is a special measure of reliability known as internal consistency.The internal consistency reliability of survey instruments (e. g. Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale), is a measure of reliability of different survey items intended to measure the same characteristic, in this case self-esteem. For example, there were 10 different questions related to self-esteem level. Each question implies a response scale from 1 to 7. Responses from the group of the 99 respondents have been obtained. In reality, answers to different questions vary for each particular respondent, although the items are intended to measure the same aspect or quantity.The smaller this variability (or stronger the correlation), the greater the internal consistency reliability of this survey instrument. So in this surv ey the self-esteem scale was found to be highly reliable (10 items; = . 90). We can safely assume that our survey items reliably measure self-esteem levels. One other way we might have assessed reliability would have been to get all the participants to take another Self-Esteem survey of similar design but with different questions.In social sciences in particular making sure that your research has construct validity is very important. Construct validity has traditionally been defined as the experimental demonstration that a test is measuring the construct it claims to be measuring, in laymen’s terms; does the measuring tool actually measure the theory under examination.? â€Å"Am I actually measuring what I think I am measuring? In our example construct validity would be how well dos our observational tool (Rosenberg self-esteem scale) assess one dimension of self-esteem.We could of inter-correlated measures of depression with the measures of the revers coded items (SE3,SE5, SE8,SE9,SE10), because depression and the revers coded items have similar underlying constructs. Finally the low correlation between height and self-esteem in our study strengthens our construct validity. I believe it strengthens the overall resolve because common theories of self-esteem have no reliable and valid evidence correlating the two, so we can assume that construct between the two would be low, and if our study showed a strong relationship it would be casue for questions.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Pablo Picasso Amazing Artist in the 20th Century - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 432 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/05 Category People Essay Level High school Topics: Pablo Picasso Essay Did you like this example? Pablo Picasso was an amazing artists during his time. The time period he lived in was the 20th century. Some of Pablo Picassos famous paintings were La Vie, Girl Before A Mirror, Three Musicians, Le Reve and many more. Picasso was born on October of 1881 in Malaga, Spain. He studied under his father for one year who was an artist, he was also an professor at the school of fine arts, he worked at a museum in Malaga as a curator. After the one year of studying under his father, Pablo Picasso went to the Academy of Arts for another year then moved to Paris. He went to Paris in 1901 where he found out that it was the ideal place to practice new styles and experiment with a variety of art forms. The years he lived in paris he meat a new and important friend in Picasso life his named was Guillaume Apollinaire. At the end of the year 1904 he found a mistress her name was Fernande Olivier. She inspired many works during the lead up to Cubism. Pablo Picasso died at the age of 91 in April 8, 1973. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Pablo Picasso: Amazing Artist in the 20th Century" essay for you Create order Pablo Picasso had many great accomplishments in his lifetime. One of those accomplishments was that he was give the Stalin Prize of Peace in 1950. The Guernica Painting was one of Pablo Picassos most famous. Pablo created this painting when he was protesting against the bombing of the Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. Pablo Picasso also inspired the Cubism Period. During the Blue (1901-1904) and Rose (1904-1906) Period Pablo started to use blue in his painting. He started this as result of when his close friend took his own life and he also incorporated a pinkish tone as a representation of him accepting that he is gone. During Picassos life there was more going on in the world behind him. World War II was going on. He was living in France during the time of liberation. Other artist during the life of the great Pablo Picasso was Jean-Paul Sartre, Roland Penrose, and many more. In 1890 Vincent Van Gogh a famous artist committed suicide. World War II ended by the year of 1945. Pablo Picasso lived a wonderful life between his astonishing paintings and amazing sculptures. Picasso was an amazing artist who used new styles to create beautiful pieces of art. Pablo influenced the art world but he also had other influences outside of it. Pablo Picasso will be known as an amazing artist, a political figure and someone who has introduced new styles of art that shaped the modern art and modern styles of art today.