Monday, August 24, 2020

Rational Criticism in Knowledge Claims Essay Example

Reasonable Criticism in Knowledge Claims Paper Analysis, as proposed by Karl Popper, is the backbone of all objective idea. At a first look, one may concur with this in light of the fact that by fundamentally addressing or assessing the legitimacy of an information guarantee through explanation, it can furnish one with sureness and truth. Notwithstanding, the affirmation that: All information cases ought to be available to sound analysis gives us an elective judgment as the word ought to isn't complete and this maybe proposes it is important to think about different perspectives. Through inductive and deductive thinking, we can test information guarantees and show the grounds of which the case depends on. However, as prove by Victor Johnsons epicurean tone hypothesis and the idea of charitableness, feeling assumes a significant job in our thinking procedure which poses the inquiry of whether balanced analysis is liberated from these passionate thought processes. In arithmetic, individuals will in general acknowledge information claims like: the whole of a triangles inward edges is equivalent to 180 degrees, without a normal premise. A developing number of individuals accept that expressions of the human experience are emotional or dependent on close to home taste on account of its theoretical nature, which may recommend that these information claims are not open to discerning analysis in any case. Despite the fact that we can look at different information claims utilizing inductive and deductive thinking, this procedure probably won't be relevant to all subje ct matters. We will compose a custom article test on Rational Criticism in Knowledge Claims explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Rational Criticism in Knowledge Claims explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Rational Criticism in Knowledge Claims explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer For most, sureness is conceivable in simple number-crunching as hardly any uncertainty that 1 + 1 = 2; despite the fact that this case can be sanely reprimanded, a significant number of us don't scrutinize its legitimacy in light of the fact that the meaning of two will be two ones. This chance of assurance, be that as it may, doesn't have any significant bearing to all regions of arithmetic, particularly in complex hypotheses that should be enthusiastically tried before distribution. Despite the fact that arithmetic may require the utilization of different arguments like rationale, the legitimacy of deductive thinking depends on the rationale of the contention and not reality of its establishment. This reality is thought to be right: for arithmetic, be that as it may, this fact is mandatory with the end goal for us to proceed with the deductive procedure. Kurt Gdel, a noticeable mathematician, suggests that it is difficult to demonstrate the consistency of number-crunching, or, in other words, [there is] no thorough verification that the essential maxims of number-crunching don't prompt a logical inconsistency eventually. (Is Arithmetic Consistent?) So, when various parts of science are utilized so as to demonstrate something progressively conceptual, for example, displaying genuine wonders, there exists trouble in recognizing which cases are produced using dishonestly accepted certainties or logical inconsistencies. One can discover truth in arithmetic utilizing deductive thinking; be that as it may, this reality could possibly be appropriately demonstrated. Our propensity to acknowledge guarantees in arithmetic without objective grounds can maybe be clarified by feeling. In Judy Jones and William Wilsons book, An Incomplete Education, there is a reference to G㠯⠿â ½dels Theorem being utilized to contend that a PC can never be as brilliant as a person in light of the fact that the degree of its information is constrained by a fixed arrangement of maxims, though individuals can find startling realities. (495) This is a decent portrayal of how passionate characteristics can cooperate with normal analysis so as to build up new certainties which may prompt an increasingly abstract way to deal with arithmetic. To additionally represent my point, a board of refs distributed Hales evidence of Keplers circle pressing guess (by pressing balls utilizing the face-focused cubic strategy, it will make the most noteworthy normal thickness) despite the fact that it was just 99% certain. (standard. 13) The acknowledgment of even the littlest vulnerabilities, show that reason alone may really be an obstruction to science since we can't, or just don't have the opportunity, to assess reality of each information guarantee as set up previously, once in a while these certainties can't be provable. At the point when feelings, for example, interest are available with the thinking procedure, mathematicians can change previous confirmations with their own psychological capacities and albeit complete assurance may not be feasible, high exactness can be acquired. Despite the fact that math once followed the idea of thorough evidence, present day math has changed. Because of the constraints of deductive thinking, a few mathematicians have asserted that rather than proofs, conceptual ideas, for example, genuine circumstances can be displayed with PC run tests. Conviction may even now be conceivable without thorough evidence however starting at yet, it is too soon to recognize the defects installed in PC innovation.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The butterfly effect Essay Example For Students

The butterfly impact Essay This is indistinguishable of the class as awfulness truly prefers to make evident who are the people in question and who are the antagonists of the content yet as I said no unmistakable account hypothesis is utilized separated from Strauss where the reasonable various endings show various resistances. The end shot is panned across in the dolly gradually to truly observe the shot and the strain of the grouping and the frightfulness of what they have done depending how far they are in the succession every one similarly as sad. This is trying as they are truly observed as kids as opposed to adolescents and delineated as blameless however they are viewed as risky yet some way or another despite everything holds a thoughtful way to deal with particularly the character of Evan and not to the character of Tommy. Tommy is forceful to understand this no murmurs even should be heard the entertainers responses demonstrate their restriction to him that he is the intense person as even the more seasoned youngsters are beaten by him suggesting Evan with no expectation. We will compose a custom paper on The butterfly impact explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The marvelous groupings are seen profoundly with immersed hues, to show how Evan truly doesnt trust it as it is a dissemination with mollified skin to truly make the on-screen characters look impeccable utilizing gentler camera focal point Kaylee rises up to father as Evan frightened him after self destruction story and the language of screw sack gives a feeling that he isn't a kid however is the more seasoned person talking in an uncorrupt structure. Amy is consequently making a more grounded character here and is shallow they are all piece of a part of society worthy of anyone's attention contradicted to before this is more than Evan needed implying a non reasonable scene. Loathsomeness is typically appeared with dull settings and disengaged settings this is something contrary to this the main scene which truly shows this is the scene in the storm cellar where the main lights demonstrated are candles lit, and the blaze on the computerized camera, it truly upgrades being segregated by being determined to a lower level and to show him as distorted man with no place for honest kids to run from him. Kaylee turns into a whore and in another grouping working in a coffee shop unmistakably because of her tormented past implied as desolate and discouraged utilized with medium shots and periodic close ups as she isn't as beautiful in these shots we as a crowd of people may feel undermined a group of people. An awfulness may do this however it didn't fit in to the conditions laid before us. Tommy anyway since early on is viewed as insidious by the manner in which he bends the doll in the storm cellar following his dads strategies. The genuine loathsomeness of the film isn't the image as such it is more the mental ideas and acknowledge behind the film to acknowledge how hazardous and frequenting it very well may be the point at which you change something which you will lament. None of the settings were that outrageous there were barely any settings utilized and those which were are run of the mill settings, for example, houses, college, school and the road the main precarious setting was the jail which was thrown in a genuine set to show the strength of genuine detainees this scene truly makes the dread and sensitivities of Evan and the ghastliness of winding up in a spot like this which after all the harm is done it is the place he has a place however the high points permits us to feels for him. The crowd we expect would be the individuals who are enthusiastic about the frightfulness type and they like to be terrified so the film does what it can to be unusual not meeting the desires for the crowd yet finishing with the right importance which meets this. It might likewise intrigue those keen on Psychology intrigued how ones memory functions, most of the crowd will be an of youngsters so a reasonable storyline should be developed to not be excessively intricate and as it is a worldwide book it needs to make ideological ideas that apply to all locales. .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .postImageUrl , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:hover , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:visited , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:active { border:0!important; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:active , .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u825a925152ca685 38afb7522b9c650c8 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u825a925152ca68538afb7522b9c650c8:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Inequality in the Film Idustry EssaySo this is the way they had the fundamental subject of the connection among Kaylee and Evan as everybody can identify with having a smash that never went how they would have preferred it to go and hung up on the downturn of this idea it is capricious in the manner it's anything but an upbeat completion yet fits in with the class which is one of significance. None of the catastrophes laid out are not kidding in itself at the youthful age of 7 in contrast with what they transform into as he becomes more seasoned. A youngster seen drawing pictures and playing with knifes are viewed as nothing genuine and is a feeling of investigating except if they are rehashed it is dreaded and stunning of him as he is past this stage close ups of him permit us to truly center and become separated of his life and choose why he does the things he does. As more fiascos occur at 13 years old it begins to get stressing and the pressure truly indicates the stun of how this adolescent has built up his power outages and not disposed of them the music truly helps this with since a long time ago continued notes on the strings and passionate piano playing to feature the second and perform it making strain. Non-shockingly at 20 years old it becomes past the cutoff points with genuine wrongdoings, for example, kills and being placed into mental foundations. The parts of frightfulness are featuring the genuine minutes in an otherworldly part of playing god they are not common shows of numerous detestations it is in a run of the mill setting it doesn't frighten the characters it plays on their vulnerabilities and the setting all through the film doesn't change when re imagined. The portrayals are likewise exceptionally regular. In his college years he is somewhat sensible basic garments and room restricted to the gothic character who he imparts his level to appeared as totally differentiated not alluring and outrageous in his apparel. Common becoming inebriated and engaging in sexual relations condition a development on the teenagers smoking and exploding dynamites insubordinately who are appeared as ugly at this age could be implying that they are researching genuine experiences and nothing will change on the off chance that they dont improve this with regards to the awfulness going where you shouldnt. The blurring of the individual before the area is moved in to another scene truly makes the frightfulness like Evan doesnt exist and has become alive once again.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Online Education - yes or no

Online Education - yes or no Online Education Do You Have What It Takes? Home›Education Posts›Online Education Do You Have What It Takes? Education PostsOnline education is a highly debated topic. Studying online offers vast versatility in the choice of interests and general subjects of study. It offers a liberal schedule, an enormous pool of resources for research and study, valuable support from online communities and endless up-do-date info on any subject. The Internet is full of dictionaries, encyclopedias, libraries, discussion forums and complete courses, which are at one’s finger tips. The only thing you need in order to use it is a computer and access to the Internet. With today’s advanced and affordable technology that will not be hard. However, the single most important thing an online student must know is the following: without dedication and desire to learn and teach oneself studying online is close to useless. Many students think that they will be able to just forget about formal educatio n due to easy access to the Internet. Yet, it takes a lot of will power and commitment to excellence to be able to teach oneself. The liberty online education offers is often misused. Without someone to manage time and oversee a students’ progress, they tend to slack, to waste time, or to get distracted by other things they come by when studying. If students do not set goals for themselves, keep track of their progress and constantly assess their knowledge, they will soon lose the momentum, and the time they spend will be wasted in vain. However, if you feel some details of your education need special attention, and you wish you can get help in upping your grades, you can approach such reputable online writing service provider as Online education is not for everyone. It is rather difficult, and takes a lot of effort to utilize and manage time with utmost efficiency. If you think you have what it takes â€" the desire and commitment to excellence and a stron g will â€" it just might be for you. Many websites, offer complete online learning packages, complete with study groups, teachers, assignments and regular assessment, media content and much more. Do you have what it takes?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Employee Is Harmed At Work - 1581 Words

In the event an employee is harmed at work and they meet all the requirements for workers compensation they can get health advantages and salary for the amount of time they miss work. With a specific end goal to get these advantages, the representative must lose their entitlement to sue their manager for the offense of disregard. There are a wide range of arrangements, which fluctuate from state to state. The workers that fit the bill for pay can get week after week installments as opposed to being paid by their manager, which would go about as a type of disability insurance. In the event that a worker needs compensation for monetary misfortune or restorative costs, it would be utilized as medical coverage. Another structure that falls under workers’ compensation is life insurance, which would be utilized if a laborer is killed during their employment. There are three defenses for an employer by law for worker related injury. These are the fellow servant doctrine, contributory negligence, and assumption of risk. The fellow servant doctrine is when another employee causes the worker to be injured and this would make the employer not responsible for the incident. The contributory negligence is when an employee does not use precautionary measures to be careful on the job. In this instance the employer would also not be responsible for the injuries the employee got. The last defense for an employer is the assumption of risk. This would be if the injured employee willinglyShow MoreRelatedUnethical Behavior : Ethics And Leader1239 Words   |  5 PagesEthics and Leader 1. For the â€Å"College† section, items 1-3, who is harmed and who benefits from these unethical behaviors? On page 52 in Lussier, â€Å"cheating on homework, assignments, and exams and turning in papers written by someone else† are the first three unethical behaviors of college students referred to in Self-Assessment 6. (Lussier Achua, 2013). 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Music as Social and Political Instrument of Change in Latin America Free Essays

Philosophers and critics have long argued over which way the maxim should read:   does art imitate life, or does life imitate art?   Historically, artists of every medium have contributed to the social dialogue via there works, whether through hieroglyphics depicting a successful journey to the underworld, a holy Requiem for the dead, or shock artist Robert Mapplethorpe’s sexually and religiously controversial exhibits.   Music transcends most art forms as a tool for unification because it inherently invites participation, even more so than dance or theater in the realm of the performing arts, which demand more individual preparation.   Songs and chants can be generated anywhere, and often hearken back to indigenous folk music that taps into a communal experience, thus strengthening the sense of interconnectedness. We will write a custom essay sample on Music as Social and Political Instrument of Change in Latin America or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Latin American, two similar genres of music developed out of the cultural music of the region in response to contemporary socio-political issues that personally affected in Chile and Cuba.   In Chile, Nueva Cancià ³n (â€Å"New Song†) emerged in the mid-1960s, just as Nueva Trova was taking root in Cuba.   In light of the New Song movement’s intimate relationships in the revolutions that rocked Latin America during the late 60s to mid 70s, one is urged to conclude that Eric Selbin’s assertion regarding revolutions being â€Å"made† not â€Å"arriving† more accurately reflects the inherent ideological influence in socio-political upheaval.   As Nancy Morris records a member of the musical movement saying, â€Å"’[Canto Nuevo is] not just a post-1973 way of singing.   In what is said and how it’s said poetically and musically, Canto Nuevo is a process’† (qtd. in Morris 118). Both musical movements stemmed from artistic reactions to the living and working conditions in Chile and Cuba respectively, and both embraced traditional folk music’s conventions as a platform to express politicized lyrics.   â€Å"New Song began as a fusion of traditional musical forms with socially relevant lyrics.   Although each country has developed variations of New Song that reflect local social and political conditions and musical styles, New Song as a whole can be characterized as music intended to support and promote social change† (Morris 117). In Chile, songwriter, activist, educator, poet and martyr Victor Para wrote songs that for many defined the atmosphere of the movement and the hope of the community. His song, â€Å"Plegaria a un Labrador,† which â€Å"uses Biblical language to convey a message of hope and change,† was chosen as the best song of the Primer Festival de la Nueva Cancià ³n Chilena in 1969 (Morris 120).   Jara’s music (and the music of the entire movement) was like a responding chorus to the political requests of Salvador Allende, the Unidad Popular (â€Å"Popular Unity†) coalition candidate.   In â€Å"Plegaria a un Labrador,† Jara wrote the following lyrics: levà ¡ntate y mà ­rate las manos,  para crecer estrà ©chalas a tu hermano.   Juntos iremos   unidos en la sangre.   Hoy es el tiempo que puede ser maà ±ana   rise up and look upon your hands,   so as to grow clasp your brother’s in your own.   We shall advance together united in our blood.   Today is the time/when we can shape tomorrow. These lyrics suggest a call to arms and a charge to unify (i.e., â€Å"Unidad Popular†) so that the many can affect positive change for the good of the citizenry.   Yet there is still a sense of hope in the song, that the working class have the capacity to stand together and â€Å"advance,† not simply battle meaninglessly against oppression.   Jara went on to openly support Allende, including performing free concerts. Only three years after Allende was elected, the US-supported military staged a coup on September 11, 1973.   Allende most likely committed suicide. â€Å"The music of the Nueva Cancià ³n was severely affect by this media censorship [after the coup]. It was banned from the airwaves, removed from record stores, confiscated, and burned†¦ musicians were exiled, imprisoned, and, in the well-known case of Victor Jara, killed† (Morris 123). On September 12, 1973, Jara and thousands of other Allende supporters were taken to the Chile Stadium, where Jara was tortured and murdered.   The new government tried to silence the Nueva Cancià ³n by forcing the musicians to hide, but the music was not the property of the musicians; as Jara so eloquently wrote, the music was for the working people of Chile, and thus is was not to be completely suppressed. In Cuba, the revolution began with in 1953 with the guerilla attack on the Moncada Barracks and culminated in the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista’s government on January 1, 1959 by a group, which included Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, and Ernesto â€Å"Che† Guevara.   After he assumed power, Castro spent the early part of the 1960s eliminating all Batista loyalists, including the mass execution of 70 Batista regime soldiers.   One crucial element of support for Castro’s social change, even in the wake of such brutality, was the proliferation of songs that supported the revolution and its progressive intentions. Artists such as Silvio Rodrà ­guez and   Pablo Milanà ©s were responsible for the Nueva Trova in the late 60s, and their efforts were directed to re-imagining the traditional music for the new culture under Castro’s political umbrella.   To this end, the government sponsored and supported those artists of the movement, because they were, in turn, supporting the progressive movements of the new party.   Both Rodrà ­guez and Milanà ©s wrote songs for Che Guevara, for example.   â€Å"By negotiating their way through Cuban cultural politics, Rodriguez’s generation defined their politics in the process, proving Cuban culture to be diverse and inspiring,†¦challenging propaganda clichà ©s by creating the distinctive self- critical songs of the Cuban revolution,† (Fairly 15). In both countries, the music makers were part of the recipe for social and political change.   Their lyrics gave illiterate people a way to express their frustrations and concerns, and the musicians of the Nueva Cancià ³n worked with and against the political forces of their day.   As Fairly writes:  In a country not blessed with newspapers, the words of songs matter: songs like the iconic Ojala, a song about impossible desire and dreams that seems to capture all life’s uncertainties in one, became the soundtrack of everyday life across the Spanish-speaking world. Although he was no apologist for the revolution, Rodriguez’s popularity at home became so great that people joked that he had gone from being â€Å"banned† to â€Å"obligatory.† (15)  This sense of obligation is part of the way in which many people have a hand in creating and growing massive socio-political movements. Works Cited Jan Fairley. â€Å"Film Music: Jazz, World, Folk etc†¦ An accidental hero: For Latin Americans, Silvio Rodriguez is the equivalent of the Beatles and Dylan rolled into one. Ahead of a rare UK visit, Jan Fairley met the Cuban singer.† The Guardian Sept. 2006: 15.  Ã‚   National Newspapers, London, UK. ProQuest. 6 Feb. 2007 ;;  Morris, Nancy.   â€Å"Canto Porque es Necesario Cantar: The New Song Movement in Chile, 1973-1983.† Latin American Research Review 21.2 (1986): 117-136. ; ; How to cite Music as Social and Political Instrument of Change in Latin America, Essay examples

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Hindenburg Essay Example For Students

The Hindenburg Essay The arrival of the Hindenburg, thirteen hours behind schedule, at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on the evening of May 6, 1937, promised to be routine. The ship had an unblemished safety record on eighteen previous Atlantic crossings. In fact, no passenger had ever lost his life on any commercial airship. Still, because this was the beginning of the most ambitious season yet for airship voyages, reporters, photographers and news reel cameramen had their eyes and lenses focused on the great dirigible as it approached. When disaster struck it was sudden. Without warning flames gushed from within the Hindenburgs hull; thirty-two seconds later the airship lay on the ground, ravaged. Never had the sights and sounds of a disaster in progress been so graphically documented. Within a day, newspaper readers and theater audiences were confronted by fiery images of the Hindenburg. Radio listeners heard the emotional words of newsman Herb Morrison, sobbing into his recorder, Its burning, bursting into f lames, and its falling on the mooring mast and all the folks. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the world. . . . Oh, the humanity and all the passengers!(Marben 58) When this floating cathedral, called the Hindenburg, burst into a geyser of flaming hydrogen there was a tremendous impact on the public, although two thirds of the people on board survived. Two theories about why it happened surfaced and this tragedy put an end to the short age of these massive airships. We will write a custom essay on The Hindenburg specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The demise of the Hindenburg had a searing impact on public consciousness that far surpassed the bare statistics of the calamity. Men and women escaped, even from this inferno. One elderly lady walked out by the normal exit as though nothing had happened and was unscratched. A fourteen-year-old cabin boy jumped to the ground into flames and smoke. He was almost unconscious from the fumes when a water-ballast bag collapsed over his head. He got out. One passenger hacked his way through a jungle of hot metal using his bare hands. Another emerged safely, only to have another passenger land upon him and cripple him. One man, at an open window with every chance to jump to safety, went back into the flames to his wife, both died. The final count was 36 dead, including 13 passengers. Nearly two thirds, of the 97 persons on board survived, but that fact was forever obscured, and the name Hindenburg became comparable only to the name Titanic(Abbott 69). Of all airship crashes, Hindenburgs remains the most mysterious and the most contentious, partially because of its fame. Many theorists were attracted to the idea of sabotage. An incendiary device could have been positioned at the place the fire started. There was an access ladder from the keel as well as a ventilation shaft to fan the flames(124). The most attractive aspect of the sabotage theory is timing. Had the airship arrived on time at six oclock in the morning a bomb timed for after seven p.m. would not have caused the horrifying casualties(125). In the absence of any real evidence to support the theory, some have been tempted to provide the villain instead. Max Pruss, captain at the time of the crash, eventually came to suspect a certain passenger(125). Others have chosen members of the crew. But not only did the American investigators fail to find any evidence of sabotage, the Gestapo investigation was equally negative. Unconvinced by this, some of the sabotage theorists ha ve made the whole thing into a Nazi plot(Marben 87). Many explanations fit the circumstances without the sensational solutions. The presence of free hydrogen deep inside the ship can be attributed to various causes. The very slow approach-speed of the airship, after valving gas, might well have left some gas residue in the shafts. The tail heaviness, noticed by the elevator man, might have been the result of a gas leak(Abbott 251). The only other necessary ingredient is the spark. Both American and German investigators agreed that some form of static discharge was the source of the fire(250). .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e , .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e .postImageUrl , .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e , .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e:hover , .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e:visited , .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e:active { border:0!important; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e:active , .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5f672fb8af03e544c6107c7cf8e9ca7e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Folk vs rock EssayThe burning of the Hindenburg made it clear once and for all that dirigible travel was merely a blind alley in the evolution of flight. The giant airships remaining loyalists were abandoned, along with

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Market Entry Into Kenya for a Food Franchise Essay Example

Market Entry Into Kenya for a Food Franchise Essay Example Market Entry Into Kenya for a Food Franchise Essay Market Entry Into Kenya for a Food Franchise Essay BNU5013 – International Management Strategies Post-Module Assignment for Prof. Minyuan Zhao The topic for our team presentation was the expansion of Global Franchise Architects (GFA) into Kenya. The group selected this company as we had just completed a communication strategy for them on how to expand in India, and one of our colleagues who is from Kenya thought that it might be a viable option for GFA to expand into Kenya. This paper will attempt not to repeat any facts stated already in the presentation, unless required to highlight a specific point. At a high level the group agreed, by a democratic process, to the consensus that GFA should not expand into Kenya, but I would like to disagree with that assessment after further research and analysis on my own. The key strengths of GFA are: 1) Operational excellence: This helps the investor to get a high Return on Investment (ROI) 2) Portfolio of 9 brands: Having multiple brands provides the investor to open combined stores with different brands or pick and choose the brands that they want to focus on. The main highlights that make Kenya an attractive market are: Positive GDP growth Lower interest rates- cheaper credit access Inflation down ( 5%) Market: 4 major cities opportunity – Nairobi (4M), Mombasa (1. 5M), Nakuru (1M), Eldoret (. 8M) – Majority Western style taste, entrenched â€Å"eating out† culture – High proportion of young and out-going population. Competition – 2 international (South African) food franchisers + local brands. – All have limited menus, not well managed and expensive. While risks entering Kenya are: High oil prices Exchange rate fluctuation Political stability The first thing that one needs to look at while deciding to enter a market is whether there is a demand for the product being sold and the spending capacity of the consumers. In the last year the Kenyan economy has been recovered from a slump and is currently booming. At the same time the fast food business has been growing with increased consumer spe nding (1). A new entrant can take advantage of the vacuum created by the closure of fast food stores due to the post-election violence and global economic slowdown. The second thing is how a company can differentiate itself from its competitors. GFA relies on its operational capabilities along with locally sourced produce to provide a high ROI. There are a few ingredients that are flown in from the central kitchen in Thailand like cheese to maintain a consistent standard of quality but the rest all are procured locally. With the recent explosion of high quality local produce (2) the franchisee would not have to rely on exported goods alone which result in higher cost of goods sold and lower profits. CAGE Analysis: While performing CAGE analysis to determine if GFA should enter Kenya or not the first thing compared to was the current operation in Sudan. Some things that stood out during this analysis were the similarities between how Starbucks launched and operated in China, a tea drinking country with low copyright protection. Cultural: International food tastes in major cities like Nairobi and Mombasa and the willingness to pay a premium for Western products Presence in Sudan cannot be leveraged due to differences in culture and local food preferences ADMINISTRATIVE: Lack of TM protection e. g. Brand Pizza Inn operated by a different owners of Pizza Inn U. S GEOGRAPHIC: Local Procurement of 65% of COGs, Rest would need to be shipped from Thailand Easily accessible from India and Bangkok by sea and air. Eastern and Central Africa’s financial and communication hub ECONOMIC: $838 GDP per capita, very low $ but users in city willing to pay a premium for western products Agricultural based economy, ensuring good supply of raw material required for the food business If GFA can create an image of an international provider and carve a niche the fast food market it can definitely succeed. Referring to the FDI decision tree along with the cage analysis one can deduce that it would be viable to enter Kenya but only if GFA can find the right contact to franchise with. GFA should not go in for the sake of going but conduct a thorough search for the right to local partner, one who understands the rules and regulations on the country and has operated other retail business in the country. AAA Strategy Implications: Once a decision has been made to enter the country, GFA would need to decide which of the Adaptation, Aggregation Arbitrage (AAA) strategy to excel at. It is very hard for any company to excel at all three at the same time but focus on different aspects or hybrid of two approaches as its strategy evolves. Below is a quick look at each of the three strategies: Adaptation: GFA will have to modify its menus to suit the local taste. It cannot try and replicate the menu that it serves in Sudan due to the various culture and eating habit differences. It’ll also do well to adjust its procurement strategy of raw material to adjust to the local supply chain management model. GFA would also have to adapt on how the product is marketed and the structure of the store i. e. independent Pizza stores versus joint Pizza and Ice cream store as highlighted by how the other franchisees operate in Kenya. Most are run as joint stores and in conjunction with other retailing outlets or petrol pumps. Having said that GFA might also differentiate itself from competition by providing high end Pizza stores like Pizza Hut does in asia. Aggregation GFA has been in operation for over a decade and there are definitely things it can aggregate amongst its distributed operations, things like Kitchen design knowhow, supply chain setup, marketing collateral, basics of the menu etc. It can also further aggregate the shipments to its two African country franchisees to lower cost of shipping and distribution. Even though the two might have different menus, they would still need the same basic products that are imported like cheese, kitchen equipment etc. Arbitrage Though GFA cannot arbitrage to lower labor costs or take advantage of costs in India or Thailand as the costs in Kenya are pretty cheap, what it can do is arbitrage on the quality of the products to charge a premium. It can get high quality cheese and sauces that its competitors cannot easily replicate and charge a premium for it while at the same time keeping its core recipes a secret. ADDING Value To confirm the entry into a new market one can perform a quick ADDING analysis and see if the entry adds any economic value or not. The image below is a quick snapshot of my analysis: pic] Adding Volume: GFA will definitely be able to add volume to its overall numbers by adding more stores Decreasing Cost: GFA might be able to lower the cost for franchisees a bit in its Sudan operations by sharing some transportation and logistics cost with Kenya especially on items that have to be shipped from India or Thailand. Differentiating: GFA will definitely be able to differentiate itself in the local Kenyan market as well in other markets by having international operations in multiple countries and continents. Improving Industry Attractiveness: GFA won’t be able to make too much of a difference on this front, though it will have some initial mover advantage especially since a lot of the other fast food stores shutdown during the last economic downturn. Neutralizing Risk: In theory GFA will be able to neutralize risk by diversifying across multiple countries but in reality it might be running the risk of spreading itself too thin. Also by moving into a country like Kenya which does not have stable political environment it might run into the risk of its stores being shut, which should not impact GFA as much as its franchisor. Generating Knowledge: GFA will be able to learn on how to operate in developing economies in Africa and if successful can utilize this knowledge to further expand on the continent. Having done the basic analysis the last thing GFA can look at how its potential competitors are performing in Kenya. Innscor Kenya, a part of Inscor Africa (a Zimbabwe based company with multiple brands) moved to Kenya3 moved to Kenya using the franchise model. It also operates like GFA with Multiple brands under one umbrella. Inscor found the Kenyan market to be the most promising on the continent4, where it soon further expanded its operations. Keeping such reference points in mind I think GFA should definitely look at expanding in Kenya through franchising with a suitable partner. References: 1: businessdailyafrica. com/Corporate+News/Food+businesses+record+growth+on+improved+buying+power/-/539550/1039392/-/item/0/-/rjqcn9z/-/index. html 2: tegemeo. org/documents/other/Regoverning_Kenya2007_information_sheet. pdf 3:http://dialadeliverykenya. co. ke/about_us. html 4:http://allafrica. com/stories/200402100125. html Class material and group presentation

Monday, March 2, 2020

Learn How to Make a Chinese Toast

Learn How to Make a Chinese Toast Whether you’re ringing in Chinese New Year with a bottle of champagne, making a toast at a wedding, or casually drinking ç™ ½Ã©â€¦â€™ (bijiÇ”, a popular type of Chinese alcohol) with your friends, knowing a few Chinese toasts to say will always liven the mood. Here is a beginners guide to short Chinese toasts and other Chinese drinking culture tips. What to Say ä ¹ ¾Ã¦  ¯Ã‚  (GÄ nbÄ“i), literally translating into dry your cup, essentially means cheers. This phrase can either be  a very casual toast or sometimes this toast is an indication for each person to empty the glass in one gulp. If it is the latter case, this only applies to men ​during the first round of drinks at the beginning of the night, and women are only expected to take a sip. éš ¨Ã¦â€ž Ã‚  (Suà ­yà ¬) literally translates to at random or arbitrarily. But with regards to giving a toast, it also means cheers. This toast indicates you want each person to drink as he or she wishes. è  ¬Ã¥ £ ½Ã§â€ž ¡Ã§â€"†Â  (Wn shà ²u wà º jiÄ ng) is a toast used to wish for longevity and health. What to Do Now that you know what to say, how do you actually give a toast? When giving a toast in Chinese, raise your glass as you give the toast. Depending on where you are, your fellow drinkers will either raise their glasses and then drink, clink glasses and then drink, or tap the bottom of the glasses against the table and then drink. If you are giving a toast with a table full of people, it is not expected that anyone clink glasses. But there will be times when you find yourself clinking glasses with an individual. If that person is your superior, it is customary that you touch the rim of your glass below the rim of their glass. To exaggerate that you acknowledge this persons higher status, touch the rim of your glass to the bottom of their glass. This custom is especially important when it comes to business meetings. Who Makes the Toast? The host of the party or meeting will be the first to make the toast. It is considered rude if anyone besides the host makes the first toast. The host will also give the last toast to indicate that the event is coming to an end.   Now that you know how to give a Chinese toast, drink up and enjoy socializing!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Value at Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Value at Risk - Essay Example Risk management methods and nature varies from industry to industry like it can't be same for project management, industrial process and financial portfolios. From a management view point, risk management is an important tool which is used in decision making because it is systematic and well structured. For better utilization of risk management in management's decisions, risk analyst's reports must be based on the latest and best available information. The cause behind the mentioning of the Chinese proverb above is that risk management is the only tool which differentiates a good management with a bad one. From a bank's standpoint the term is usually used synonymously with specific uncertainty because the usage of statistics allows us to quantify the uncertainty which is called the measure of dispersion (Shirref, 2004). We know that every country have mostly two regulators on their heads, one for the banks and one for the companies. Usually Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates the companies while the Reserve bank regulates the financial institutions. Bank of International Settlement is the regulator of the regulators. From the same concept there is another regulator which regulates the financial institutions risk management department regarding the capital requirement and capital adequacy ratio. The name of the regulator is Basel Accord. Let's see in detail, what Basel accord has in its regulation. FROM ORIGIN OF BASEL TILL IMPLEMENTATION: Basel was an attempt to reduce the quantity of bank failures in a country, due to the insufficient capital which ties a bank's Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) to the risk of the loan Bank's makes. In 1988, The Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS) did the first attempt to implement such methods worldwide, which enhance the risk absorption power of the banks. Basel I was the initial or first set of capital requirement for all actively international banks because it sets charges for the credit risk which is known as crude capital charges. It instituted for the first time the requirement of minimum capital which must be held by the international banks to avoid the financial risk. In 1980, credit risk was the dominant player in risk class for banks but by the early 1990s, banks became more anxious to be a part of the capital market and for those markets which are larger and more liquid, and to play their role, and they did that. The significance and importance of risk then arose in the banks, but the Basel I merely emphasized on the credit risk. To overcome the risk of all traits, a new framework was desperately required to make the risk calculation and reporting more sophisticated. The BCBS agreed upon the market risk amendments in 1996 from there the concept of Basel II was born (Reuvid, 2008). Initially, the capital charges were based on definite standards, defined by the BCBS,

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Xbox Introduction of Kinect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Xbox Introduction of Kinect - Essay Example It makes game controllers reduce their use of buttons and makes gaming as fast and efficient as possible. The add-on interprets voice commands and allows its users to easily play games in the absence of a game controller (Webb & Ashley, 2012). The devise also senses the movements of its user and also allow them to bark orders. Microsoft also plans to set living room chats with its Kinect product introduced in the market. Microsoft, therefore, intended to use the Kinect to face the competition from other forms of entertainment including music players, mobile phones as well as tablets. In developing the product, Microsoft used a number of methodologies. The company used the E3 convention for video games to announce its products and expansion strategies. It announced the addition of the Kinect add-on for the Xbox 360 to boost entertainment for video game players. Microsoft used social events as ways of market the product. The use of the Xbox 360 to announce events as sports was a major way of developing the product. This included the national basketball association and other events as the national hockey league. The leagues made their programming packages available to fans using the Xbox live. This increased the use of Xbox 360 and consequently the Kinect add-on for the gadget.... Microsoft also used the annual expo for electronic entertainment to market its product. The company showcased its new market entries. The announcement by Microsoft to link with Nike to launch a training program for fitness by the use of Kinect was among the ways in which Microsoft developed the product. Through the device, the fitness of a person is detectable. The company also used the international consumer electronic shows to develop their Kinect product in the market. Laying down formal rules to allow legitimate commercial use of the product was a great methodology used by Microsoft. These include the Kinect-centric experiments geared at reaching a significant share of the market for the product. The use of the product from Microsoft to enable live advertising was a significant step in developing the product. This was through the use of interactive NUads supported by Kinect. The use of Kinect in classroom also formed a significant market among students. Students could use it to l earn by collaborating in projects through the support of avatars. This supported distance learning. Through the different ways of developing the product, it garnered considerable market dominance. It was among the products of the company that made the highest sales within the fastest time after its introduction into the market (Walker, 2012). The development of the product, therefore, was successful given the high sales realized within the shortest time. The sophisticated nature of the software rendered it unbearable for hackers to interfere with the components. The fancy video cameras present in the device put off its hackers. It also had a depth sensor that was sophisticated for hackers to duplicate. Since all the properties of

Friday, January 24, 2020

Essay --

Picture the ultimate dream car. Is it a brand new Mustang right off the show room floor? Maybe it is a SUV with heated leather seats. Or it might by something fast and imported, like a Ferrari, Lamborghini, or Porsche. For some people, dream cars don't come from the present or the future, but the past. But getting that dream car from the past isn’t always easy. A lot of the times it is rusting away in some old barn or out in a field with weeds growing through the floorboard. When someone finds that dream car in those conditions they can do a couple different things they can build it into a rat rod. A rat rod is where the outside of the car is left rusty and in the shape it was found in, and has a big powerful motor and a good strong transmission. Or the other choice is to restore the car to its former glory. When someone restore a car to its former glory there are four main categories or steps that they need to do; body work, paint, interior, and engine/transmission. The first step in body work is to take the car apart so that it is easier to get rid of all the dents, paint, and rust. Then take out all of the interior, and take off the mirrors, hood, fenders, and all of the extra parts that will make it easier to get off the paint. Paint stripping methods usually fall into two main categories: abrasive and chemical. In abrasive paint striping there is media blasting, and good old fashion sanding. The way media blasting works is the process of blasting an item with small particles of various abrasive substances at an extremely high velocity in order to remove paint and rust off a vehicle. There are many materials used to media blast cars like walnut shell, plastic beads, baking soda, and different types of sand. D... have less power. If the original transmission is being used then it as well should be gone through and cleaned. If someone doesn’t want to take the time to take the engine apart and clean every little part and then try to remember where every little piece went then just replacing both the engine and transmission might be the way to go. Buying a brand new engine and transmission has its advantages and its disadvantages. An advantage of buying them new is that they have all new parts and are less likely to break and can take less time than taking apart the engine. A disadvantage is that it can be more expensive than just using the old motor. By completing these steps an old rusted out car can be turned into the ultimate dream car. Whether it is turned in to a rat rod or in to the restored classic car, it is worth all that hard work to get that ultimate dream car.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Realiability and Validity Rosenburg Scale

Reliability and Validity of the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale Texas A&M University Psychology 203 Introduction The purpose of our study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Rosenber Self-Esteem scale scores. Reliability is simply whether the measurement tool you are using measures something consistently. For example does the same test show the same results when administered repeatedly. Validity is the aspect of a measuring tool that signifies its measuring what it says it does.A valid test measures what it says it’s measuring. However you can have a test that is reliable and not valid, for example if a teacher administers a spelling test that the student has to complete on the computer in a five minute time period. A student may get the same score over and over again, indicating it’s reliable, but it may not be valid because what if that student was slow at typing but knew how to spell every word. The test would not be valid because it’s not meas uring just spelling as intended but also typing speed.Both reliability and validity are crucial in and study because if the research instruments are not reliable and valid, then the results of your experiment will always be in question. Method All ninety-nine A&M students (N=99) that participated in the survey were in the same statistical writing course and were required to take the survey as part of the course curriculum. The survey consisted of 24 males and 75 females, with the average age of these participants being around 20 years old, ranging anywhere from 19 to 24 (M=20. 7, SD=. 997). the survey measured self-esteem by using ten items from the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale. The students were scored by taking the mean of all their responses to the ten questions. 10 different statements that the participant rated on a scale of 1 to 7, (1 being â€Å"disagree strongly † and 7 being â€Å"agree strongly†), the higher the score the higher the individuals self-esteem . The scale consisted of 5 revers coded items; an example of a normal item is â€Å"on the whole I am satisfied with myself†.A reverse coded item is an opposite statement for example is â€Å"I feel I do not have much to be proud of†. Results The 10 item subscale from the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale appeared to have good internal consistency, (? = . 90). All the survey question appeared to be worth keeping: in fact the deletion of any of the questions would have resulted in a lower alpha score. All 99 participants (N=99) responses to the 10 item survey were averaged together and the self-esteem score for all the participants had ranged from 2. 6-7 with a mean of 5. 4 (M=5. 4, SD=1. 08).The frequency distribution of the average self-esteem scores, illustrated on the histogram, portrays a distribution that is pretty normal but somewhat negatively. This negative distributions means that the participants more frequently had high self-esteem scores than low scores. In fact no participants had a self-esteem score lower than 2. 6. Discussion To ensure that the survey instrument used in this study was actually measuring self-esteem we took a measure of Cronbachs alpha ( or ? ), which is a special measure of reliability known as internal consistency.The internal consistency reliability of survey instruments (e. g. Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale), is a measure of reliability of different survey items intended to measure the same characteristic, in this case self-esteem. For example, there were 10 different questions related to self-esteem level. Each question implies a response scale from 1 to 7. Responses from the group of the 99 respondents have been obtained. In reality, answers to different questions vary for each particular respondent, although the items are intended to measure the same aspect or quantity.The smaller this variability (or stronger the correlation), the greater the internal consistency reliability of this survey instrument. So in this surv ey the self-esteem scale was found to be highly reliable (10 items; = . 90). We can safely assume that our survey items reliably measure self-esteem levels. One other way we might have assessed reliability would have been to get all the participants to take another Self-Esteem survey of similar design but with different questions.In social sciences in particular making sure that your research has construct validity is very important. Construct validity has traditionally been defined as the experimental demonstration that a test is measuring the construct it claims to be measuring, in laymen’s terms; does the measuring tool actually measure the theory under examination.? â€Å"Am I actually measuring what I think I am measuring? In our example construct validity would be how well dos our observational tool (Rosenberg self-esteem scale) assess one dimension of self-esteem.We could of inter-correlated measures of depression with the measures of the revers coded items (SE3,SE5, SE8,SE9,SE10), because depression and the revers coded items have similar underlying constructs. Finally the low correlation between height and self-esteem in our study strengthens our construct validity. I believe it strengthens the overall resolve because common theories of self-esteem have no reliable and valid evidence correlating the two, so we can assume that construct between the two would be low, and if our study showed a strong relationship it would be casue for questions.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Pablo Picasso Amazing Artist in the 20th Century - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 432 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/05 Category People Essay Level High school Topics: Pablo Picasso Essay Did you like this example? Pablo Picasso was an amazing artists during his time. The time period he lived in was the 20th century. Some of Pablo Picassos famous paintings were La Vie, Girl Before A Mirror, Three Musicians, Le Reve and many more. Picasso was born on October of 1881 in Malaga, Spain. He studied under his father for one year who was an artist, he was also an professor at the school of fine arts, he worked at a museum in Malaga as a curator. After the one year of studying under his father, Pablo Picasso went to the Academy of Arts for another year then moved to Paris. He went to Paris in 1901 where he found out that it was the ideal place to practice new styles and experiment with a variety of art forms. The years he lived in paris he meat a new and important friend in Picasso life his named was Guillaume Apollinaire. At the end of the year 1904 he found a mistress her name was Fernande Olivier. She inspired many works during the lead up to Cubism. Pablo Picasso died at the age of 91 in April 8, 1973. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Pablo Picasso: Amazing Artist in the 20th Century" essay for you Create order Pablo Picasso had many great accomplishments in his lifetime. One of those accomplishments was that he was give the Stalin Prize of Peace in 1950. The Guernica Painting was one of Pablo Picassos most famous. Pablo created this painting when he was protesting against the bombing of the Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. Pablo Picasso also inspired the Cubism Period. During the Blue (1901-1904) and Rose (1904-1906) Period Pablo started to use blue in his painting. He started this as result of when his close friend took his own life and he also incorporated a pinkish tone as a representation of him accepting that he is gone. During Picassos life there was more going on in the world behind him. World War II was going on. He was living in France during the time of liberation. Other artist during the life of the great Pablo Picasso was Jean-Paul Sartre, Roland Penrose, and many more. In 1890 Vincent Van Gogh a famous artist committed suicide. World War II ended by the year of 1945. Pablo Picasso lived a wonderful life between his astonishing paintings and amazing sculptures. Picasso was an amazing artist who used new styles to create beautiful pieces of art. Pablo influenced the art world but he also had other influences outside of it. Pablo Picasso will be known as an amazing artist, a political figure and someone who has introduced new styles of art that shaped the modern art and modern styles of art today.